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We are using a version control tool called GIT. It is a very nice tool to collaborate in an easy and efficient way.

If you are not yet familiar with GIT:

we advise to have a quick look to the online book explaining the basics

A git repository is generally made of different branch. Each developer or team can have their own branch. The main advantage is that you can easily work in parallel, and benefit of improvements made by other partners. It is safe, in a sense that you only get new things (eg. piece of code) when they have been released, so that people are not corrupting your working environment. Some tools are made to help the merging process from their last release to your current working environment.


  • Download the Git Tools
  • Select the corresponding Operating System you use, for getting the appropriate download.

setup GIT on your system.

You will only need to do it once. It is very important to do it, as git use that information to share information among users.

Open “GIT bash” and type:

  • git config --global "First Name"
  • git config --global

You can now close “GIT bash” tool.