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a) Install dfu-programmer

  • install libusb-1.0-0-dev as proposed in the README from dfu-programmer:
    sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev

  • download dfu-programmer (tar-ball file) from [[ Sourceforge | ]]

  • extract it somewhere:
    unzip <downloaded file>.zip or tar xvfz <downloaded file>.tar.gz

  • enter directory and follow build instructions:

      sudo cp src/dfu-programmer /usr/local/bin

b) Allow standard users to access the board via usb:

  • Create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-dfu_programmer.rules with the following content:

      WARNING: GROUP="your user name or a group that you belong to"  
      `ATTR{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTR{idProduct}=="*", GROUP="users", MODE="0660"`  
  • Reboot


  • connect a USB cable to a MAV'RIC board with the bootloader flashed (If it's not the case, read the documentation related to the bootloader)
    WARNING: Some cellphone cables are only for charging through USB, DO NOT use one of them
  • install the driver: (DO NOT let windows search for the driver), go to "Control panel", "Device manager", select the DFU programmer, Specify the path to the .inf file found in the folder MAVRIC\Utilities\DFU-programmer\DFU\dfu-prog-usb-1.2.2

Typical flashing sequence:

To flash an avr32 autopilot:

  • Connect the board with a micro USB cable. The board should be flashed with the bootloader. If it's not the case, read the documentation related to the bootloader.

  • Put the board in bootloader mode (press and release the reset button while the bootloader button is pressed)

  • then type

      make flash