For the maveric board electronics, see <...>\MAVRIC\Electronics\Maveric32_autopilot\Rev4.1.1\Board_Assembly411.pdf which is a clone from this github.
Solder the 2mm short connector (Male on the motor phases - Female on the Speed controller phases)
Solder the Male 3.5mm gold connectors on the speed controller power-lines
Cut one Female connector of the Y connector
Solder the JST red connector
Cut the carbon rods and strips respectively to 49cm and 21.5cm long.
Sand the extremity of each carbon parts (to ease the slicing of 3D parts in)
Slice the central connection part along the rods
Center this part compare to the rod extremity
Slice the speed controller holders
Slice the motor holders so that the lower rod motor holder is aligned with the upper rod motor holder
Slice the carbon strips into the motor holders
Adjust the same distance between each rod extremity and motor holder (around 7.5cm)
Gently screw in and out one screw in all battery rack holders, to ease the next steps
Put the first layer of foam on the battery rack holder
Place the carbon rods on top, to have a X-shape Quadcopter.
Put the second layer of foam
Place the central part (with the autopilot not screwed in)
Screws them together, gently. Otherwise you will brake the battery rack holders !!!
Screw the motors on
Fix the speed controller using a cir-clip
Connect the motor phases with the speed controller phases
Connect the speed controller power-lines with the Y connector (red-red & black-black)
Place the Y connector on the bottom right part of the central part (not to disturb magnetometers which are on the left part of the autopilot)
Make the speed controller signal wiring going through the hole at each corner of the central part.
Place the satellite receiver in its slot on the central part.
Before going further, you should have calibrated your autopilot. If not first check the calibration part
Screw the autopilot on the central part, leaving the speed controller wiring going out from each corner.
Place the GPS
We are almost done
Plug the motors in the autopilot’s motor-plug (1: back-left, 2:front-left, 3:front-right and 4 back-right) Plug the satellite receiver in the autopilot. Plug the GPS signal in the autopilot. Plug the JST connector in the autopilot Last minute check Power on the remote Plug a battery in the Y connector Arm the motors, they should turn: Front-left clock-wise Front-right counter-clock-wise Back-right clock-wise Back-left counter- clock-wise If the motors don’t turn in the correct direction: Unplug the battery Unplug the two phases of that motor Swap them together Check again
Electronic plugs
The back of the drone is where the receiver(satellite) is placed
- The back left ESC must be plugged in the place 1 (triplet of pin)
- The front left ESC in 2
- The front right ESC in 3
- The back right ESC in 4
- The GPS in GPS plug
- The emitter in DC1
- The ultrasonic sensor in I2C4